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Deadline submit the research paper is- 28February 2025 (round II).

The UASTRO society  together with Aerospace, Robotics, Mechatronics, Manufacturing systems, Mechanical Engineering, Neurorehabilitation and Bioengineering Team from Romania, together with some collaborators from Romania and from abroad, intent to organise between 26 June- 30 June 2025 the

The 8-th Edition of the International Conference on Space Launching Systems, SLS2025


The 20-th edition of the International  Conference  on  Artificial Intelligence in the fields of Aerospace, Robotics, Mechatronics, Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing systems, Power Energy, Technology of Materials, Smart Systems, Human motricities and Neurorehabilitation, OPTIROB 2025.


The conference will be held under the higher tutelage of  the Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences in cooperation with:

- Military Equipment and Technologies Research Agency,

Air Force Academy,

- National Institute of Developing and Research in Mecatronix and Mesurements,

- Pro Optica Society,

- Medicine University Carol Davila,

- University Elias Emergency Hospital,

- Land Forces Academy, 

- Institut of Solid Mechanics from Romanian Academy

- COMOTI national institute

- INCAS national institute

-"Mircea cel Batran" Naval Academy.



*All papers will be published in:

1. MDPI International Journals - maximum 20 pages indexed by Thomson Reuters ISI Web of Sciences

with Impact Factor IF- 2.592 (Q1 red zone)- only the papers presented in conference, cost 200 Euro + special cost of MDPI that will be send to all authors of final accepted papers by MDPI- less than 2680 Suisse francs;










2. IJMO International journal- maximum 5 pages Indexed by: EI Compendex,

Inspec, ProQuest, Engineering Village,

Google Scholars without impact factor- cost 200 Euro;



The conferences will be held with technical support of  MDPI SwizzerlandIACSIT Singapore, SCIEI USA, IACT USA, AFM France, ATINER Greece and UASTRO Romania.


The conference was included in Easychair conferences calendar:

and will be held with technical support of International University Association for Science and Technology from Romania, UASTRO-


The main objective of the conference is to bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the fields of interest from Romania and from around the world in order to:- provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals to present their latest experiences and developments activities in the fields;- provide opportunities for attendees to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners.

The research paper must to send on-line on the easychair web page .

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